Within the framework of the Taiwanese-Mongolian scientific and technological cooperation agreement, Taiwanese- Mongolian research teams are hereby invited to submit joint research proposals in the following fields:
Cooperation may take the form of:
Joint research project:
-complementary research activities, where interdependent
subprojects of a single program are conducted simultaneously in Taiwan and in Mongolia with mutual updating and evaluation
-complementary methodological approaches to a joint problem is conducted in Taiwan and in Mongolia with mutual updating and evaluation
Joint symposium:
-convened in either Mongolia or Taiwan
-shall accommodate no less than 8-10 persons from the visiting country and no less than10-12persons from the hosting country
The work program should include mutual visits (see E)
˙Joint research project:
The total maximum funding for each individual project is US$18,000 from each side for one year, to subsidize personnel expenses, consumables, travel and living expenses, but may not purchase instruments or equipment. The project period may be up to three years.
˙Joint symposium:
Every granted symposium can receive in the maximum amount of US$30,000. The grant may be spent on international travel, accommodation, and symposium organization. Peer scientists, scientists from other countries, and industry researchers are welcome to participate in the discussion and presentation, but shall bear the expenses by themselves.
˙Restriction for travel expenses:
The following items cannot be declared:
-visa application to the 3rd country
-living expenses in the the 3rd country
-airfare not ‘from’ or ‘to’ either Mongolia or Taiwan.
D. Eligibility
- 1. Proposals must involve a Mongolian Principal Investigator (PI) and a
- Taiwanese PI.
- 2.The PI on each side must be affiliated to an academic institution or
- research institute. Researchers from industry may take part in the
- program as partners in teams headed by PI’s from an academic
- institution or research institute.
- 3.The PIs are expected to take responsibility for the execution of the
- proposal throughout the duration of the project (or symposium).
E. Mutual Visits for Joint Research Projects
Participating scientists are encouraged to spend an extended period of time visiting in the institutions of their counterparts. So long as the visits are an integral part of research cooperation, international travel and local expenses of visiting scientists will be included in the budget proposal of the research project – travel and living expenses for Mongolian researchers traveling to Taiwan will be paid by the part of Mongolian grant. Travel and living expenses in Mongolia for Taiwanese researchers will be paid by the part of Taiwanese grant.
Proposals will be evaluated by a joint procedure based on recommendation of scientific committees. Evaluation will be
based on:
a) Academic excellency;
b) Extent of existing collaboration between the Taiwanese and the Mongolian research teams;
c) Expected level of collaboration between the Taiwanese and the Mongolian research teams.
All applications must be received not later than 30April 2014.
G. The application forms and accompanying material (in ‘pdf’ or ‘doc’ format) should be submitted to NSC from Taiwanese side, while the Mongolian side to MECS.
1.The expected starting date for approved projects is 1 August 2014.
Upon approval of a particular project, separate contracts may be signed in Mongolia and Taiwan, respectively, between the responsible funding agency and the institution of the PI. The contracts may include provisions regarding intellectual property rights, as agreed upon by Taiwan and Mongolia research teams. A request for the continuation of research funding must be submitted to the responsible agencies on the appropriate forms at least two months prior to the end of the first year of the project, together with the annual scientific report. (Contract example is in enclosed)
Payments will be made in keeping with the provisions of the contracts
mentioned above, according to the practices and regulations in effect for
each funding agency and depend on budget availability.
˙Joint research project:
a) Financial Reports
Financial reports will be submitted according to the practice of each funding agency, as specified in the research contract.
b) Scientific Reports
b.1) A joint scientific report must be submitted to the funding agencies
two months prior to the end of the first year of the research contract, together with the request for continuation of research funding (see Paragraph G[2] above).
b.2) A joint final report covering the work carried out during the entire
project period must be submitted within two months of the conclusion of the project. Additional interim progress reports may be required, according to the practices and regulations of each side, as specified in the research contracts.
˙Joint symposium:
Both financial and scientific reports should be submitted to the funding agencies within one month after the end of symposium.
- Mongolia-Taiwan Research Cooperation APPLICATION FORM
- Joint Symposium Proposal Taiwanese-Mongolian Research Cooperation APPLICATION FORM
- Grant Proposal Taiwanese-Mongolian Research Cooperation
˙Additional information can be obtained from the following:
NSC/Ms. Hui-Chuan Cheng
Program Director
Department of International Cooperation
National Science Council
21F., 106 Ho-Ping E. Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan 106
Tel:+886-2-2737-7472, Fax: +886-2-2737-7607, E-mail: hccheng1@nsc.gov.tw
MECS/Dr. Gantsetseg Baljirsuren
Head of Project monitoring division, Mongolian foundation for Science
and Technology
Tel: 976-11-312542 Fax: 976-11-315741 Mobile: 976-9928-7635
E-mail: gantsetseg@stf.mn Web: www.stf.mn
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.