Strategic Research Funds, 2014: Strategic Research – Peace and Conflict

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Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Higher Education

Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI)

Danish Council for Strategic Research


16,000,000 krDKK

The total funding – DKK 1 6 million – will be awarded to a single strategic research project.

A grant to a Strategic Research Center normally covers a period of five-seven years. A grant will have the size of at least DKK 30 million. This means that the amount applied for must also be at least DKK 30 million. However, for funding applications for strategic research centres under theme D2 (Stem cell research), the amount applied for must be exactly DKK 24 million.

In Strategic Research Alliances, activities that stretch over a period of approx. five years are financed. Grants are 15-20 million DKK and co-financing is expected from the parties to the research alliance.

As a main rule, funding is provided to Strategic Research Projects of a three to five years duration with a grant of minimum 10 million DKK. In general, a certain amount of co-financing is expected from the parties to the project. However, for funding applications for strategic research centres under theme F1 (Peace and conflict research), the amount applied for must be exactly DKK 16 million.

The stated grant sizes include overheads.

Applications may be submitted for all activities with an anticipated date of commencement on January 1, 2015.

For a large enterprise, State aid may be granted for a maximum of 50 percent of the enterprise’s project costs. For an SME, State aid may fund a maximum of 60 per cent of the SME’s project costs. However, it should be emphasised that these are maximum limits. In many cases there will be a requirement for higher self-financing on the part of the enterprise. 
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Academic Institution



New Faculty/New Investigator


Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional

Small Business

Citizenship or Residency


Activity location



The Council hereby calls for Phase 1 applications (prequalification) for funding for Strategic Research Centres, Strategic Research Alliances and Strategic Research Projects. In this call the Council is offering funds for strategic research activities under the following Programme Commission on Peace and Conflict in the following themes:
– Peace and conflict research

Peace and conflict research funding is offered exclusively for a strategic research project.

The Council places emphasis on the interdisciplinarity of the research within “Peace and Conflict”, comprising, as and where relevant, societal and financial aspects, sustainability, information – and communication technology and user aspects.

Theme F1 – Peace and conflict research:
The vision is that strategic peace and conflict research will promote non-military solutions to international conflicts. The object is that the results of the strategic peace and conflict research will strengthen the basis for Denmark to contribute with non-military solutions to current international conflicts. On this basis, funding is available for peace and conflict research at a high international level.

The object of the research is to promote:
– Improved legal, economic, social and political framework conditions for Danish participation in international conflict prevention, management and resolution
– Preventive and peacekeeping efforts to forestall the escalation of conflicts from local to regional or global conflicts
– The development of new tools for crisis management in current international conflicts, including local and regional conflicts, in order to prevent escalation
– The development of new tools to support the conflicting parties’ own solutions to conflicts and willingness to assume ownership of and responsibility for peace-building and reconciliation processes
– The development of new initiatives and tools to increase the participation of women and include the gender dimension in conflict management and peace processes
– New initiatives in peace and conflict management and resolution in which Denmark might be a pioneer country or make a contribution on the international scene.

The research should be problem-oriented and is expected to be conducted in an interdisciplinary setting, and to involve relevant expert approaches and potential users of the results.

Grant types:
– Strategic Research Centers: Strategic research centres are established where there is a need for environments of a high scientific standard with a keen focus on developing solutions to complex problems in order to serve a comprehensive aim, where the solutions will have great strategic significance and great societal or commercial potential.
– Strategic Research Alliances: A strategic research alliance is a research initiative devoted to finding solutions to a key challenge, where a major future need for research exists. The premise for this instrument is that research in the area is scattered across small-scale environments and consequently that there is a need to create alliances between existing Danish research environments or between Danish and international research environments, with a view to establishing stronger research alliances at a high scientific level. A grant made for a strategic research alliance must be used primarily to fund research activities, although a small share of the funding may also be spent on networking activities.
– Strategic Research Projects: The focus of strategic research projects is to find solutions to a relatively restricted set of research issues. The projects must promote the research institutions and the public and private sector parties’ development of interdisciplinary expertise and contribute to innovation among stakeholders in the public and private sectors. The projects are expected to include involvement of public and private sector stakeholders as well as collaboration with international research environments or individual researchers. The projects are required to create a basis for subsequent international strongholds.

Applications under this call must concern:
– One, and only one, programme commission.
– One or more themes under the selected programme commission. If the selected programme commission is inviting calls within several themes, it reserves the right to assess applications in relation to any theme not selected. 
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Requirements are not made as to the applicants’ and other participants’ citizenship or the home country of the research institutions, and there are no requirements regarding a specific geographic location of the implementation of the research activities. This means that anyone – including citizens of other countries and Danish citizens employed abroad – may apply for funding and participate in the activity being applied for. However, it is a requirement that the funded research activities promote and strengthen Danish research.

Private-sector enterprises may, to a certain extent, receive funding through the Council. Pursuant to the EU approval, funding may be provided to enterprises engaging in collaborative projects with research institutions. Funding may be awarded to large enterprises on the condition that they possess special expertise not possessed by the research institutions or that the enterprises will be conducting research in what for them represents new fields. The funding for enterprises must serve to promote their initiation of further research activities (incentive effect).

The above-mentioned rules on direct funding for enterprises do not apply to Authorised Technological Service Institutes (“GTS institutter”), as these institutes are exempt from the foregoing rules by virtue of their authorisation under the Danish Act on Technology and Innovation and the European Commission’s approval of State aid for these entities.

Applications under this call must concern:
– One, and only one, funding instrument (grant type) offered under the selected theme(s). In certain cases, an application may fall under several themes sorting under different programme commissions. In such cases, an application must be submitted to each commission. 
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  • Peace, Disarmament, or Amnesty
  • International Affairs
  • Disputing and Conflict Resolution
  • Conflict Theory
  • International Security
  • International Relations or Diplomacy

Upcoming Deadlines


What’s Due


28 Apr 2014

Preliminary Proposal
Sponsor deadline – required

30 Sep 2014

Sponsor deadline – required

Applicants invited to submit a final application based on their… more »



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Funding Contact Person

Mathias Vinzent-Kerkov, Head of Section

Danish Council for Strategic Research

Programme Commission on Peace and Conflict

Bredgade 40

DK-1260 Copenhagen K


Phone: (+45) 7231 8385


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