Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
The Capacity-Building Award is sponsored by the SETAC Global Partners, is awarded annually, is announced at all SETAC annual meetings, and is given at a meeting convenient to the recipient. The award consists of a plaque, a cash award of $1,000, registration waiver and travel costs to the SETAC annual meeting that is most convenient to the recipient.
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Academic Institution
New Faculty/New Investigator
Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
Small Business
Citizenship or Residency
Activity location
Less Developed Countries (LDC)
The Capacity-Building Award was created in 2008 to recognize individuals or groups for their contribution toward building capacity in the environmental sciences within countries with developing economies. “Capacity building” refers to a broad range of activities that might include any combination of education, professional development, training, and the development of analytical capabilities and other infrastructure that will support the principles and practices for protection, enhancement and management of sustainable environmental quality and ecosystem integrity. Emphasis is given to the promotion the advancement and application of scientific research related to contaminants and other stressors in the environment, education in the environmental sciences, and the use of science in environmental policy and decision-making.
The Capacity Building Award was initiated to reflect SETAC’s efforts to enhance the use of science in environmental policy and decision-making in countries where there is a need and/or where there have been requests for capacity building. Examples of SETAC initiatives include efforts in Africa and Latin America. The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is also an example of a coordination effort designed to develop capacity; in that case, SETAC is coordinating efforts with the United Nations Environment Programme.
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Candidates include individuals, groups, or other organizations that have contributed directly to capacity building – i.e., education, professional development, training, and/or the development of analytical capabilities and other infrastructure related to environmental sciences – within an emerging or developing country. Candidates will be evaluated with respect to new or enhanced initiatives, degree of influence, success, and history of related contributions.
There are two options for the award recipient:
1. Awards will be made to recipients who are based within or reside within a developing country.
2. While priority will be given to individuals or representative of group and/or organizations that reside within a developing country, individuals or organizations external to the country are also eligible for the award.
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- Science or Engineering Studies – Developing Countries
- Environmental Toxicology
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Sciences
Upcoming Deadlines
What’s Due
06 Jun 2014
Sponsor deadline – required
Completed applications must arrive by 6 June of the year in which the award is to be made.
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