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The conference will promote dialogue and reflection on the role of the universities in social development, based on the principles of quality, sustainability and its relevance. At this meeting, the development strategy, experience and lessons learned of leading international universities will be discussed, as well as the current state of development, challenges and future development trends of the major universities in Mongolia, based on international experience.

Key themes of the conference:

  • Defining the current development state of universities in Mongolia: the problems and difficulties they face, and ways to solve those issues.
  • Discussing the international experience, achievements and lessons learned in the development of the research universities.
  • Exchange experiences on strengthening contributions to global science and knowledge.
  • Identify ways to sustainably develop postgraduate studies and advanced research.
  • Determine ways to turn research results into applications and business circulation, and to develop start-up companies by implementing the Triple-helix model of government‒university‒business.
  • Develop the basic strategies of the government policy and offer relevant recommendations on improving the research capacity of Mongolian universities.

For more information visit the website:

Conference agenda download here 


Orgainizing Comittee

National University of Mongolia


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