Глобал Хөгжлийн Холбооны санаачилсан инновацийн шилдэг төсөл шалгаруулах Awards and Medals Competition (AMC), KOICA Development Research Award (KOICA Award)-д оролцоно уу.

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The Global Development Network (GDN) is currently inviting submissions to the Awards and Medals Competition (AMC) and the KOICA Development Research Award (KOICA Award). GDN invites researchers from developing countries and transition economies to submit completed research papers and new research proposals. Under the AMC, GDN also invites development projects in developing countries to submit proposals for scaling up innovative projects.

Global Development Awards and Medals Competition 2013-2014

  • AMC Categories:
  1. Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP): for development project proposals
  2. Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development (ORD): for research proposals
  3. Medals for Research on Development (Medals): for completed research papers
  • Theme: Structural Transformation in Africa and Beyond
  • Application deadlines: 6 March 2014
  • Prizes: Awards of up to USD 30,000 and travel grants to prize distribution ceremony
  • To apply, log on to the Awards and Medals Competition webpage

KOICA Development Research Award 2014

  • Theme: Relevance of Korea’s Development Experience for Developing Countries
  • Application deadline: 15 April, 2014
  • To apply: Please visit www.gdn.int/kdra2014. All applications and documents must be submitted via the online submissions platform.
  • Prizes: Awards of up to USD 8,000 and travel grants to prize distribution ceremony
  • For further information, log on to the KOICA Award webpage.

Opportunities for Finalists and Winners

  • The top-ranked AMC finalists to present their papers and proposals at the plenary/parallel sessions at the 15th Annual Global Development Conference (discussants and panelists will comprise well-established scholars/experts). Travel and stay will be funded by GDN
  • AMC finalists to participate in a two-day training workshop before the Conference to enhance research communications skills
  • The KOICA Award will be given in several categories including special prizes for best submissions from young researchers, women and researchers from the 26 Priority Partner Countries of KOICA
  • The winners of the KOICA Award will receive an opportunity to travel to Seoul, Korea in late summer 2014 to attend the prize distribution ceremony
  • Networking and peer-learning opportunities with renowned  experts, eminent personalities and budding-researchers for both competition winners/finalists

Please direct your queries related to the AMC to awards@gdn.int and the KOICA Award to gdnkoica@gdn.int.

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