Wenner-Gren Foundation
Upper $35,000USD
The grants are for a maximum of $30,000 for the research project. Proposals which include the optional training element can have an increased funding request up to a maximum of $35,000, of which no more than $10,000 can be for essential training purposes.
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New Faculty/New Investigator
Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
Citizenship or Residency
Activity location
This grant supports international research collaborations between two or more qualified scholars, where the principal investigators bring different and complementary perspectives, knowledge, or skills to the project. Supplemental funds are also available to provide essential training for academic research participants in ICRG-funded projects (co-applicants, students, as well as other professional colleagues). By encouraging international collaborations, the grant contributes to the development of an international anthropology that values and incorporates different national perspectives and resources. By providing training funds, the grant helps to build capacity in countries where anthropology may be under-resourced.
Priority is given to those projects involving at least one principal investigator who is a citizen of, and is working and residing in, a country where anthropology is underrepresented and where there are limited resources to develop the discipline. Other international collaborations will, however, be given serious consideration where they are consistent with at least two of the following aims of the foundation:
– Bring together researchers with different national perspectives that complement each other and enrich the research
– Strengthen anthropology in countries where there are limited resources to support its development
– Combine different areas of expertise and knowledge that will benefit both researchers
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Proposals must involve collaboration between two or more researchers of different nationalities who are working in different countries. Each researcher must hold a doctorate or equivalent qualification in anthropology or a related discipline. Scholars are eligible without regard to institutional or departmental affiliation.
If any of the applicants is a current or past grantee of the Foundation s/he must have completed all the requirements of their existing grant, including submission of the final report, before a new application can be accepted.
ICRG applications that were unsuccessful in a prior funding cycle may be resubmitted only if they are accompanied by a resubmission statement, explaining how the application is different from the prior application and how the referees’ comments have been addressed.
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- Anthropology
- Medical Anthropology
- Cultural or Social Anthropology
- Economic Anthropology
- Physical Anthropology
Upcoming Deadlines
What’s Due
01 Jun 2014
Sponsor deadline – required
Deadline for applicants requesting funding starting in January through June of the following year.
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01 Dec 2014
Sponsor deadline – required
Deadline for applicants requesting funding starting in July through December of the following year.
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