2012 Admission guide for international students of the Academy of Korean studies

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We appreciate your efforts to develop and promote Korean Studies at your institution.

The Graduate School of Korean Studies at the Academy of Korean Studies have educated both Korean and international students for widening and deepening the research and education for Korean Studies in various fields of the humanities and the social sciences. We offer the best M.A. and Ph.D. programs of Korean Studies among other academic institutions in Korea by the prominent faculty members so as to achieve the aim of producing excellent junior Koreanists. We are sure that after a degree, the graduates of our graduate school will be able to make great intellectual contribution to the society of human beings in the globe and to the field of Korean Studies at home and abroad.

In order to fulfill our aim for the long-term period, the Graduate School of Korean Studies do the best to develop better education programs and to offer various academic activities for international students.

We will be pleased if your institution takes a look at the history, research activities, and archives and library facilities on our homepage (www.aks.ac.kr), along with the admission information of the Graduate School (http://www.aks.ac.kr/aks/Sub/sub_gradmain.aspx). Especially, application deadline for Fall semester in 2012 is 20th of March because of Korean Government Scholarship Program(KGSP).

We would like you to utilize the attachment for students and researchers at your institution to be able to recognize and acknowledge the programs of our graduate school.

We would deeply appreciate if your institution makes continuous efforts to promote and develop Korean Studies in your country. We expect able and promising students to have a precious opportunity to study one of the most dynamic countries in the world, Korea, at our graduate school.

Thank you.

Okpyo Moon

Dean, Graduate School of Korean Studies

The Academy of Korean Studies

2012 Admission Guide for International Students


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