Guest Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c Andreas Knorr from German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer had worked at the Public Administration Department

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Guest Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c Andreas Knorr had worked at the Public Administration Department, School of International Relations and Public Administration, NUM for a week since 17th September, 2018. Prof. Dr. Knorr holds Chair of Economic Policy at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer and has been cooperating with the Public Administration Department of SIRPA, NUM since 2012. This is the sixth academic visit of Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c Knorr at the NUM.

In the framework of the cooperation agreement between School of International Relations and Public Administration, NUM and German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, the purpose of his visit was deepening research and academic activities including giving a lecture to public administration students with the title of “National immigration policies and local resistance: USA versus Germany”.

Furthermore, several seminars were hold in regard to public administration overview and international accreditation of study programs and one of them was organized on September 19th for the professors, lecturers and professionals of NUM. Once Prof. Dr. Knorr has been active in program and institutional accreditations since 2003 on behalf of several German (FIBAA, ZEvA, AQAS, AQUIN) and international accreditation agencies (ASHE/Croatia, Akkork/Russia, SKVC/Lithuania), the event was quite effective by learning from his practical experience. Afterwards Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c Knorr and public administration department staffs had shared experience of international accreditation which was successfully implemented at Software Engineering and Information Technology Programs of NUM and had intense discussion with Prof. Dr. Oyun-Erdene Namsrai.

The academic visit of Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c Knorr was very effective and fruitful by deepening the cooperation between two universities to move forward.

Department of Public Administration

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