Virtual Conference Agenda
“Democratic Challenges in Asia and Mongolia:
Innovations through deliberative democracy, online parliament, and electoral reform”
In partnership with Department of Political Science, NUM, The Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University, The Asia Foundation, Mongolian media organizations
January 28-29, 2021
АНУ-ын Олон улсын хөгжлийн агентлагийн тусламжтай, Бүгд найрамдахчуудын олон улсын хүрээлэн, Азийн сангийн хамтран хэрэгжүүлж буй“ Залуучууд, эмэгтэйчүүдийн сонгууль, улс төрийн оролцоог идэвхжүүлэх нь” хөтөлбөрийн дэмжлэгтэйгээр МУИС-ийн Улс төр судлалын тэнхим, АНУ-ын Станфордын Их Сургуулийн дэргэдэх Зөвлөлдөх Ардчиллын хүрээлэнтэй хамтран зохион байгуулж буй олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний цахим хуралд оролцохыг урьж байна.
Name: National University of Mongolia (NUM), Department of Political Science
Address: Ikh Surguuliin gudamj-1 P.O.BOX 46A/523, 14201 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
This conference is generously funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the “Straightening Women and Youth Engagement in Electoral and Political Processes in Mongolia” (SWYEEPPM) project implemented in cooperation with the Consortium for Elections and Political Processes Strengthening and International Republican Institute (CEPPS/IRI) and The Asia Foundation.
The Department of Political Science, the National University of Mongolia and the Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford University are jointly expecting to hold a virtual international conference named “Democratic Challenges in Asia and Mongolia: Solutions via. Online democracy, virtual parliament, and electoral reform” on 28-29 January 2021 (in Mongolia).
The objective of the conference is to discuss the state of democracy around the globe, Asia, in the democratic countries and the challenges they are facing as well as the best practices of citizen participation in politics, solution of any political issues using the methods of deliberative democracy based on the results of research activities or works.
Also, the outcome of the 8th Parliamentary election of Mongolia held on June 24, 2020 and the electoral system in Mongolia according to the new electoral law will be discussed. As a result of the new electoral rules, the incumbent MPP made an overwhelming victory by gaining 62 seats out of 76 in total although the party received around 36% of total votes nationwide. Besides, it will highlight that the basic principles of democracy including equality and justice have been violated due to different numbers of votes in the countryside and the capital city.
Moreover, there will be an exchange of experience on the ways to protect democracy around the world, especially with particular attention to some democratic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, human rights violations, and deviations from basic principles of democracy.
The researchers and scientists shall discuss how to solve problems using the principles of deliberative democracy equally and fairly.
Forms and platforms for organizing the conference: Fully online- Zoom application
Registration link: