Invitation to study at Soka University

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The Soka University invites students of National University of Mongolia to participate in the student exchange program for one or two semesters in Japan.

1.    Admission requirements for exchange students

Undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at National University of Mongolia should meet the following requirements.

a. Students who wish to take Japanese Language Class should have a Japanese level equivalent to N5 in the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test).

b. Students who wish to take classes taught in English should either have at least score of 71 in the TOEFL iBT, or be a native speaker of English.

c. Students who do not have a Japanese level equivalent to N5 in the JLPT cannot register for the Japanese Language Class.

2. Class Outlines for exchange students

Exchange students can take the following classes at Soka University.

a. Students with the equivalent level of N5~N2 in JLPT

Japanese language compulsory class:

(All classes are conducted five times a week.)

 Second semester elementary class is equivalent to N5 (JLPT)

 Pre-intermediate class equivalent to N4 (JLPT)

 First semester intermediate class equivalent to N3 (JLPT)

 Second semester intermediate class equivalent to N2 (JLPT)

Japanese language elective class:

 Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression, Composition

b. Students with the equivalent level above N1 in the JLPT

 Japanese language elective classes (Advanced class)

 Select and register for classes opened for undergraduate students

c. Student who would like to take undergraduate classes (JSP, JAS etc.) in English.

 This class is for the students whose native language is English or those with score of 71or higher in the TOEFL iBT.

3. Tuition and Accommodation Fees

a. Soka University offers free tuition and accommodation to all exchange students for one academic year.

b. The fees for accommodation will be paid only for the University dormitory.

4. Required Documents

Exchange student who are planning to apply must submit the following documents. (All documents must be filled out in either Japanese or English)

①Exchange Student  Application form for Admission (To be filled in by the applicant. Original copy required)

Physical Examination Certificate (To be filled in by a medical doctor)


④ Statement of Financial Eligibility (To be completed by the person responsible for the applicant’s living expenses in Japan.) and evidence to

prove that you have enough living expenses, e.g. Bank statement, Account balance.

⑤ Certificate of Japanese Proficiency or certificate issued at the applicant’s university regarding his/her Japanese language ability. (required for those who wish to take Japanese language classes)

⑥ TOEFL iBT score (required for those who wish to take classes taught in English)

⑦ 4 photos (Size 4cm×3cm)

⑧ Passport copy

⑨ Certificate of enrolment at home institution (Original)

 Please submit required documents to Student Affairs Office (NUM main building, room 219) before April 16.

Student Affairs Office


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