Google Research Awards: Faculty Research Awards

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Upper  $150,000USD

Awards are designed to be in an amount approximately equivalent to the amount necessary to support 1 graduate student for 1 year (defined as salary plus tuition, or research salary in regions where PhD tuition is covered through other means), as well as modest conference travel for the student (1,500 USD for US universities, 3,000 USD for universities outside the US). The median award amount is around 50,000 to 60,000 USD. The maximum amount a PI may request is 150,000 USD.

The company may on occasion choose to fund a second year for a project that has seen great success in year one. 
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Academic Institution

New Faculty/New Investigator

Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional

Citizenship or Residency


Activity location



The company is committed to developing new technologies to help users find and use information. As part of that vision, the Research Awards program aims to identify and support world-class, full-time faculty pursuing research in areas of mutual interest.

The intent of the Awards is to support cutting-edge research in Computer Science, Engineering, and related fields.

Applicants are asked to categorize their proposals into one of the following broad research areas of interest to the company:
– Economics and market algorithms
– Geo/maps
– Human-computer interaction
– Information retrieval, extraction, and organization (including semantic graphs)
– Machine learning and data mining
– Machine perception
– Machine translation
– Mobile
– Natural language processing
– Networking
– Policy and standards
– Privacy
– Robotisc
– Security
– Social networks
– Software engineering
– Speech
– Structured data and database management
– Systems (hardware and software)

Each funded project will be assigned a Google sponsor. The role of the sponsor is to support the project by discussing research directions, engaging with professors and students, and overseeing collaboration between the project team and Google. The company encourages Research Awards recipients to visit Google to give talks related to their work and meet with relevant research groups here. Through the Research Awards program, the company tries to fund projects where collaboration with Google will be especially valuable to the research team. 
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Full-time faculty members from universities worldwide are eligible to serve as Principal Investigators (PIs) or co-PIs on Research Awards proposals. Faculty members may submit one proposal per funding cycle as a PI or a co-PI unless they received an award the previous round. In that case it is asked that PIs wait until the following round to apply for funding again, whether or not the projects are related.

Funding is structured as unrestricted gifts to universities. The company cannot process awards to other institutions (e.g. not-for-profits institutions, hospitals, non-degree-granting research institutes, etc) even if they are affiliated with a university. A PI must apply in his or her capacity as a university professor and must be able to accept an award through that university.

Each PI on a proposal must be a full-time professor at a university or a degree-granting research institution. The company allows assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors to apply. The research must be directed primarily by a full-time faculty member.

As titles may differ globally, someone without the title of professor may apply if he or she is a full-time faculty member at an eligible institution and serves as a formal advisor to masters or PhD students, and the funding requested goes to support students.

The company may, at its discretion, provide funding (in the form of student salary costs) for PIs who advise undergraduate students at colleges that do not award advanced degrees.

The same eligibility requirements apply to both the primary PI and any co-PIs.

There are no limits on the number of proposals that can be submitted by different PIs (or co-PIs) from the same university.

An applicant may only serve as PI or co-PI on one proposal per round.

If an applicant’s proposal was not selected for funding the previous round, they are welcome to apply with a new proposal (or substantively revised proposal) the following round. 
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  • Geography
  • Networking
  • Machine Translation
  • Economics
  • Computer Hardware
  • Artificial Intelligence or Cybernetics
  • Data Mining
  • Natural Language Programming
  • Computer Vision
  • Information Retrieval
  • Information Technology
  • Computer Systems Analysis
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Information Management
  • Computer Security
  • Database Management
  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Machine Learning
  • Cartography
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Software Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Computer Software
  • Data Systems
  • Economic Analysis
  • Information Science or Systems
  • Computer Interface
  • Marketing Research
  • Computer Engineering

Upcoming Deadlines


What’s Due


15 Oct 2013

Sponsor deadline – required

A submission link will available by October 4, 2013.

15 Apr 2014

Sponsor deadline – required

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